Saturday, 24 November 2007

Example 5

If someone was to put a gun to someones head and demand sex, would that be rape? I think it would be even if the victim was to say yes, as saying no could result in their harm. If the gun was hidden away, but the patient knew it was there, would that still be rape? I would say yes. This is an implied threat by the attacker.Currently, in most practices, unless a patient agrees to data sharing (I have been in practices, such as Gilbert Road in Bucksburn, Aberdeen) where all doctors/nurses have full access to GP files, such as asthma clincs knowing if patients have ever been raped and in these pracices even admin staff are allowed to know which patient is on Viagra or been abused etc), the patient is not allowed access to health care even where this causes discomfort or even their death unless they ‘consent’ to data sharing. With the threat of discomfort or even death for saying no (said or implied), can the patient saying yes be of their own freewill? I for one say no as to be consentioanl you must be able to say no without it causing any side effects, and to me discomfort/death is a side effect. NHS Grampian and other NHS trust (even government ministers) seem to view the patients discomfort/death as a viable option for the patient.

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